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Warren D. Johnson

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to be disposed by removing some of the plutonium from the soil. Whether
such reduction is econciaically sound would depend on the final disposal

method and its asyociated cost.

Should deep ocean burial be the chosen

prethod, the removal of plutonium from the soil would not be a cost
circetive action.
In recognition of the above points, DNA should plan
iis cleanup and disposal actions as if no additional guidance from AEC
way be forthcowing.

Any. results of a further AEC study to determine the

pessibility of reducing the volume of plutonium-contaminated material
should be viewed as an added benefit.

Our di:.cussions with staff of the Department of the Interior during the
Septer-o-y 1974 visit to Enewetak Atoll indicated that a group of people from
Ujelaug Atoll will be allowed to return to Japtan Island before cleanup
operations begin.
In a July 18, 1974 letter to the Department of the Interior,
AERC presanted its views on the safety aspects of any proposed early return of
people to Japtan.
We view an early return as a significant step that should
be tre..ted in the DEES.

Jjpes L. Liverman

Assistant General Manager for
Biomedical and Environmental

Research and Safety Programs


Staff Ceport



Council on Environmental Quality, w/encl. (5)


Select target paragraph3