Page 3-57, 2nd paragraph, line 3 - Change "Enewakese" to “Enewetakese,"
or better yet "people."

Page 3-62, last sentence in Section and - Breadfruit
should be included with pandanus.

(This would be consistent with the

Statement in NVO-140, that in predicting 137.

and 90,

concentrations in

breadfruit, it is assumed that breadfruit and °pandanus’ fruit will experience

the same uptake fron soil.)

Page 3-63, Section, lines 1, 2 and 3 - This sentence should be
chanred to reflect the tack of completeness of conclusive data on this subject.
Change to, “The available data indicates that the body's uptake and retention
of Pu through the gastrointestinal tract is a small percentage of the Pu
ingested. This pathway is therefore less significant than other potential

means of ingress to the body."



Oe meee

enw ne

Page 3-63 Section, last sentence: As presented the statement is not
correct. Sentence should read: After 15 years of wind action on Enewetak
Atoll, much of the dispersion of surface contamination has already occurred.
Further significant redistribution due to wind action seems unlikely, although
test related radioactivity is found in surface air at detectable levels.

The dust raised by resident actiyities is expected to increase airborne
coucentrations with further redistribution of the radioactivity."

Page 3-84, Section 3.8.2 - The fourth sentence indicates that all the Be has

been removed, but the sixth sentence indicates that there is still some Be that
needs to be cleaned up.
Suggest the paragraph be consistent.

Page 5-3, line 1 - Change

"as" to "has."

.Page 5-13, Option 2 - This should be clarified since it does not appear

consistent with Table 5-6 in that it states “... may use food grown on Enjebi

other than pandanus and breadfruit." Whereas table indicates these are the
two that can be grown on Enjebi with the appropriate restrictions.

Page 5-21/5-22,
Section, first line - Change "islanders" to "people
of Enewetak"

or "Enewetak people,"


Pape 5-25, Section - This doesn't agree with Figure 5-2 in that implies that the southern islands are Jinedrol through Kidrenen
and limits inter-island visitation,

apriculture, as well as collection of

birds and eges to these islands whereas the figure extends the allowable
tslunds for these activities to include Boko, Munjor, Inedral, and Van,
all of which are north of Jinedrol.

Pape 5-32 and 5-33 - Figure 5-3 is not consistent with text for Case 3 in

Text states that residence would be restricted to Jinedrol through

hidrenen yet che figure shows Boko, Munjor, Inedral and Van also as living
‘stands; both the figure (which show Enjebi as only a picnic island) and
text (page 5-34) agree that there will be no cultivation on Enjebi yet the

Select target paragraph3