Peee ee

Page 2-1, Lines 14-15 - Should also include the fact that removal and disposal

BS ie A dk i oe ten bee ee ee

of plutoniun-bearing soil in the 40-400 picocuries per gram range will be
decided on a case-by-case basis.
Suggest also include the following change:
"Poamoval and disposal of plutontun-bearing soil which excceds 400 picocuries
per grom at all locations and 40 picocuries per gram on islands where housing
Bay someday be located.
Page 2-2, lines 9-10 - the conclusion that plutonium debris will be encrypted
in the LaCrosse crater seems premature at this poinc in the DEIS. Recommend

deletion of this sentence.

Pege 6-4, lines 10-11 - Recommend substitution of the words “appropriate

cisposal" in place of entombment with the radioactive scrap in LaCrosse center'
and recommend deletion of the rest of the page. The text, as written, assumes

that the entombment disposal action will be adopted.


Page 6-8, lines 10-11 ~- Recommend substitution of the words "and stored for
eventual disposal" in place of "encapsulated in concrete in one or both of the
craters on Runit."
Pages 8-29 and 8-30, Sections &.18 and 8.19. Recommend that the ocean dumping
option be left open as another possibility for disposal.
Page 11-1, lines 4-5.
In referring to disposal at sea, this sentence is
inconsistent with previous discussions in the DEIS concerning Pu contamination
disposal. However, recommend that this ocean dumping option be retained as a
possibility for disposal.

Miscellaneous Remarks

Page 3-10, last line on page - Deicte the word "light."

Psge 3-12, 6th line from the top - Delete “of water."
Page 3-15, Section 3.2.5, line 10 - Change “devastaged" to "devastated."
Tage 3-44, lst line - Change "life" to "live."

Page 3-46, Section, line 10 - Change "Engebi"' to Enjebi."
Page 3-49, Section 3.5.1, 3rd paragraph - Change "patrilineal" to “ideally

matrilineal" as per Tobin's paper “Land Tenure in the Marshall Islands, 1956."
Essentially the iroij power comes from land holdings and land is owned by the


Pape 3-52, Section 3.5.3, line 11 - Change "as island" to “an island."

Select target paragraph3