Frank Cluff


6. Disposal of scrap containing no induced radioactivity such as
towers and other materials on Bikini and Eneu and similar
materials on other islands requires no special consideration
from a radiological viewpoint and is therefore not covered
by these guidelines.


As discussed in item 3 of Attachment 6, consideration of

disposition of undamaged or damazec bunkers must take into
account their radiological atatus and possible utility.
In this regard it is expected that bunker contamination
levels will be reduced more rapidly than levels in the soli
of the near test islands. There is the additional need to
obtain input fron the Trust Territory representative that
reflects desires of the natives in order to determine what
use might be mace of these structures. These bunkers would
not appear to fall in the same category as other more readily
removable contaminated scrap material since their potential

usefullness is undoubtedly much greater. As for the damaged
bunkers on Hem and the sand island weat of Bravo Crater, it is

suggested that their physical rather than radiological condition
is the more important eonsideration and a 4ecision on their
disposition should be made in the field again considering the
Gesires of the returning natives.
Any special problems that might be diecovered such as plutoniun
contamination other than in soil or observation of levels of

environmental redicactivity (particulerly items of the Bikini
G@iet) significantly different from or in addition to thet
known to the Ad Hoc Commaittee and contained in HASL 19C and

Dr. Gustafson's reports could require additional guidance

and should be reported.

Finally, it is known that the distribution of scrap found on these
near teat islands extends into the shallow water shore eress and on
into the deeper parts of the lagoon and ocean. It is suggested thet
locetion and removal of this underwater metal scrap is generally not
feasible and that any problem with euch material fs best handled by

followup surveys as suggested in item 5 of Attechment 6.

It is not

intended that item 5 will apply to the cleanup phase of recovery

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