Frank Clurf


It was concluded that some radiation exposure could be avoided
through removal of contaminated scrap metal such that it would be
upavyailable to native collectors.

Odjectives - Following the August 1968 trip to Bikini, a report on

the visit vas prepared by AKC staff containing an attachment addressing
the question of purpose and objective far scrap removal at Bikini Atoll.

Recommendations 1 through 4 of this statement, known as Attechment 6

to that trip report, appear to be a proper assessment of what is needed. |

This Attachment 6 is provided for your use.

Screp Disposal - If cost, time, and man-power were unlimited, disposal
of all scrap metal containing any induced radioectivity in the very

deep ocean outside the reef would more certainly make the scrap unevsilable to the returning natives.
number of factara to be considered:

More realistically there are a


The location of
with scrap must
ecrap locations
a 25 to 30 mile


Except for a trgce quantity, the radionuclide in the contaminated

metal scrap is

channels in the reef through which boats loaded
pases is euch that disposal cutside the reef for
in the northern portion of the atoll will involve
rouné trip. Currents may be very strong in these

with a half-life of about five years.


may de compared with the 30 year half-life of 137ce which is a

major component of soil radioactivity of the near test islands.
The scrap contaminant will decay through six half-life periods

reaching about 1% of ite 1967 value while the 137¢s in soil of

the near test islands {s being reduced to 50% of its 1967 level.



Disposal of metal debris, which will sink to the bottom, in water
15C to 200 feet deep inside or outside the lagoon will make the
acrap unsvailable to the natives. Such material should not be
recoverable without use of special equipment at these cepths.

The lagoon and ocesn floors in the area of test locations already

contain a totel quentity of scrap expected to be in excess of
that found on land. In fact, the added quantity from the land
areas would probably be a very small fraction of this total.

Fro 723 &- fosF2

Select target paragraph3