Radiation doses and cancer nisks mm the Marshall Islands @S L Simon er au
was developed by the Off-Site Radiation Exposure
Review Project (ORERP) for estimatmg external
whole-body dose from fallout origmatmg at the Nevada Test Site (Hicks 1982)

The annual and cumulative exposures derived from
the estimate of E12 were estimated by Bouville et al
(2010) usmg the variation with time of the exposure rate
calculated by Hicks (1981, 1984), but modified to take
fractionation mto account, where necessary, as well as

the “weathering effect” which reflects the gradual decrease of the exposurerate caused by the migration ofthe
deposited activity into deeper layers of soil
The conversion factors from free-im-air (outdoor)

exposure to tissue absorbed dose depend on the energy
distribution of the gamma rays that are mcident on the
body and on the organ for which the dose 1s bemg
estimated However, for most of the fission and activa-

tion products that are created during a nuclear explosion,
the gamma-ray energies resulting in external exposure
are a few hundred keV or more and the variation m
photon energy results m at most a few percent difference
im dose per umt mcident fluence for the various organs
considered m this study (Jacob et al 1990) Thus, energy
and organ dependence m dose conversion factors were
not taken mto consideration, a smgle conversion factor,

66 X 10mGy per mR, was used for adults for all

organs However, the conversion factor does depend on
the ageof the person, or, more precisely, her or his body
size and shape Thus, based on calculations usmg anthropomorphic phantomsthat represented different ages (Jacob et al

1990), our calculated doses to adults from

external irradiation were mcreased by 30% for children
less than 3 y of age and by 20% for children 3 y of age
through 14 y While age and body size were important
for the estrmation of external dose to the organs considered, sex was not Building shielding was estmated not
to be rmportant smce housesat that time, made primarily
out of palm fronds, did not provide any substantial
reduction of gamma ray mtensity
Annual absorbed doses from external irradiation
from all 1mportant tests were estimated for the time
period from 1948 through 1970, that 1s, until the annual

doses had decreased to very low levels m comparison to
the peak values observed m 1954 These annual doses
were estimated for the relocated populations and for the
populations continuously resident on all mhabited atolls
of the Marshall Islands im three age categories (mfants,
children, and adults) The doses reported for the relocated

populations mclude, where appropriate, contributions
from exposures received before evacuation, during the
period ofresettlement, and following return to the atoll of


origin (Table 3) Annual doses to adults from external

irradiation are presented m Bouville et al (2010) along
with estrmated uncertamties, the doses were highest

during the years of atmospheric testing m the Marshall

Islands, after which they decreasedto values that were, in
1970, less than 01% of the peak values observed in

1954 Our best estrmates of the total external doses
(mGy) from all tests and of the 90% uncertamty ranges
are presented m Table 5 for representative adultsofall 26
population groups The geographic pattern oftotal external doses received 1s the same as for the deposition of

"Cg illustrated m Fig 2 and, as described, 1s much

higher m the northern atolls than m the central and
southern atolls

Internal doses from acute intakes of radionuclides. The mternal radiation doses resulting from acute
imtakes, defied as those that occurred during or soon

after fallout deposition, were assumed to be primarily a
consequence of mgesting radionuclides im, or on, debris
particles that contammated food surfaces, plates and
eating utensils, the hands and face, and, to a lesser
degree, drmkmg water (Lessard et al 1985, Simon etal

2010) Internal doses from other pathways of exposure,

im particular, mhalation, were much lower than those due

to mgestion and have not been exphiitly estimated mthis
assessment Fallout particles at northern atolls were
typically large (tens to more than one hundred micrometers m diameter) resultmg in generally low mtakes by


Fallout deposited at southern atolls, even

though generally composed of smaller sized particles,
was often deposited with ramfall which sigmficantly
reduced the availability of the particles to be mhaled
Annualrainfall rates are three to four mes greater im the
southern atolls compared to the northern atolls (Amow


The methods used 1mthis study for estimatmg acute
intakes of fallout radionuchdes and resultmg doses are





of test-,



radionuchide-specific deposition densities discussed m

Beck et al (2010), (2) istorical measurements of "I in

pooled samples of urine collected from adults about two
weeks after the Bravo test (Harris 1954, Harris et al

2010), and (3) assessment of appropriate values of
gastromtestinal uptake for the radionuclides present in
fallout particles (Ibrahim et al 2010) The assessment of

iternal doses was composed ofthe followmg six steps

(1) estimation of the mtake of ‘I by populations on

Rongelap, Ailmginae, and Rongertk, following the Bravo
test usmg historical bioassay data, (2) estimation of the

imtakeof 'Csat the samethreeatolls based on the ratios

of Cs to “I calculated by Hicks (1981, 1984) but

Select target paragraph3