seu salt wnien mizat unadvertently nave been included at the time
of rreservation.,

The August 1956 samples including preservative,

were evaporated to dryness,

so that. the sample

from Station 7 in-

ciuding galt water acelientally used for washing the plankton bucket,



ippesred iow in rucioactlivity.

the careful werk of Dr:

Rem2; Geldray


precessing the plankton samples of August 1958 1s gratefully acknowledged.
vata efter 1356 are presented as of the date of counting, rather
than teing corrected back sto date of collecting as was done for the

1964-55 macerlal.

It is probable that if corrections for decay could

have been appiied to the 1356 data the levels on the date of collection woula huve been fourd to be about twice as nigh as those here

given for the dite of countins, but data from later collections would
meve heon preesias lls cunastered,
Resulys and discussion

T tles Ll and 2 sive the plu.kton data from 1954 to 1968, includ-_
ing vhe v.ilues

from whien Turtle

was comiled.

Individusl plate values appear in order to show the


of virl.ovllityv,

12 of the preceding report, UWFL-~43,


and fur i1)54-55 to permit comparison of coarse

and fine me3n net samples,

Fa iloactivity is expressed per unit velight

of Louh wet plankton and plunktonie ash in order to assess the relative
Sustatliity of these tvo bases of reporting results.
w2vels of radioactivity were equaliy high in coarsenin fine

meshed nots.

The equality prevails on either wet weight or ash weight

imons the ten pairs

of simultaneous tows with coarse and fine


Select target paragraph3