mecheg neva listed in Table 1.

The higher value of the pair gwas from

acoarse mesh net 5 times und from a fine mesh net 5 times on the ash
weil jay bisis and the same wac true on the wet weight basis.
au.ll of

the 2:ases

t..e wet bisis.

In only

x38 tie same mesa size hi;sher on both the ash and

All of this tndicates randomess,

or in other words,

. lae« of copresaviuw Leveeen mesn size and specific activity.


Le our earlier reports,

beta vadicactivity of plankton as de-

om Loe in methane! ow crunters nes been reported on the wet basis

Go that tae omecifis crtivity cf ¢lankton may be compared with that
of oc lbac ctunstances,

fom ky Peem

Tus involves astemnuinsg to drain water uni-

une poarnkwton ga ples at the time of rreparing the plates.

voirmine water conteny cf

vie nlanxtonie organisms causes uncer~

vena fy eyoluaiine the ancuit of wet plankton being radio-assayed.

Iv vag Soown (UWFI-53:20) thas i: results were based on the amount
GP ,danctonie asn rztvner tain on whe amount of wet plankton,


veldit tility in radlonetivity of replicated tows was reduced to only one
tna. the v.lue ottauined on the wet basis.

the present data for Rongelap Atoll were more con-

S'svueit «3 an ash than on 2 wet basis.


vo values for pilred tows oceurred in the 1956 collections,

as geen in Tatle i.

At Kabelin, the ratio between the two values was

oni 2.6 0) the -3h basis,
a iy 4.4,

The greatest disparities be-

an Posts,


put 3.9 on the vet basis,

Lut 8.6,

wet basis,

and at Rongelap I.

so that here,

as at Eniwetok, Ate

ids only oar as gers on the ash as on the wet basis.



Select target paragraph3