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This is the problem concerned with the planting of coconut seedlings on
six of the northeastern islands of the atoll as has been always scheduled

in the DOI master rehabilitation plan.

In a message of 25 September 1978

(attached as Inclosure 1), I expressed my concern as the DOD cleanup
project program manager, and directed that my field agency in Albuquerque
work together with all participants in this project to determine alternatives for planting of the some 14,000 coconut seedlings, should it be
determined that they could not be planted in the northeastern islands

because of radiological reasons.

We are actively pursuing this search

for alternatives at the present time.
On 29 September 1978, I received a letter from Mr. Joe Deal of your staff
(Incl 2) which stated that DOE believed "it is not prudent to plan on
planting coconuts in the northern islands this growing season."

I am

disturbed by this response for several reasons:


Both the cleanup and rehabilitation efforts are at peak momentum.

A sudden change at this time to the approved plans for planting in the
northeast as recommended in Mr. Deal's letter would seriously disrupt
the ongoing program.

Mr. Deal's letter indicates that the data used in making this

recommendation are based upon a survey conducted in 1972 before we had

removed soil from the contaminated islands and had disturbed the remaining
soil in our cleanup efforts.

During the current cleanup project, many

soil samples have been taken on these northern islands, but since our
task is to clean up the transuranics, your people have analyzed the soil
only for these elements and not for the suburanic elements such as



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