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for publication and supmitted (in manuscrist form) with a former annualf



it now appears that we can distinguish C-ceil neoplasms from other undiEferentiated

solid ceilular lesions in irradiated animals, several thousand microscdpic preparations
with radioautcgraphs

are being re-reviewed.

Thus, the previous

manscripts will

soon be modified to account for the two types of solid cellular tumorsfand resubmitted.

The Contribution of the Marshallese To The

Radiation Study In Our Laboratory

As has been mentioned above, the study of the Marshallese has c
deal to the study of radiation effects on the thyroid.
radioiodines in the thermonuclear fallout in 1954.

The Marshalle

They are continuing

in their thyroids more than 25 years after exposure.

to develop masses

The tissues are

The fresh tissile when removed in

this institution by us has been studied promptly by methods establis
in use under this contract.

were exposed to

We have now perjprmed thyroid-

ectomies on 45 out of a little over 330 that were known to be exposed}
of great importance to the study under this contract.

ibuted a great

and maintained

Autoradiographs for 131; have been prepafed on all tissues

This investigator has participated in nine of the annual survey Pxaminations of
thyroids of the exposed persons in the Islands.

Dering the course off the present contra

(since 1975) 18 exposed individuals have developed masses and have

brought back to

Brookhaven National Laboratory for clinical study and then to us for

[thyroid exploration

All exposed thyroids cperated since 1975 have contained adenomas and six have had carcinomzs.

To date we have removed 9 carcinomas and 2 adenomatous n

es with papillary

carcinoma fran the 45 exposed individuals of all ages fram several afolls.
the carcinanas had metastasized to regional cervical lymph nodes.
came from an atoll with extremely low exposure.


Since this is a

seems to develop thyroid nodules, the relationship to the radiation

radioiodine is most impressive.

Three of

ation which selda
ich was primarily

Select target paragraph3