weight compounds such as ketones, aldehydes, and carboxylic acids

to the ocean surface.


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The identification of the sources for these substances in the marine

The investigation of mechanisms of exchange of these substances
across the sea/air interface.

We propose a five year program to implement this study, with an initial’
two year funding period requested in this proposal.

SEAREX will be undertaken

as a closely coordinated field and laboratory study with common field and

experimental facilities.


Specifically, we propose:

To estimate from rain and dry deposition measurements the flux
of heavy metals and organic substances during the wet and dry
seasons at Tern Island, French Frigate Shoals in the North Pacific
trades and at Tutuila Island, American Samoa in the South Pacific
To investigate the importance of the ocean as a source for atmospheric heavy metals and organic substances through enrichment and
fractionation effects occurring during the production of atmospheric
sea salt particles by bursting bubbles.

These studies will be

undertaken using the Bubble Interfacial Microlayer Sampler (BIMS)
developed at the University of Rhode Island (URI) in the earlier

NSF/IDOE-PTP, together with an assessment of the natural occurrence
of bubbles under varying conditions.

To evaluate the significance of soil and vegetation emissions, forest
fires, and chemical manufacturing sites as sources of the volatile
metals and organic substances found in the marine atmosphere.

Select target paragraph3