To attain the objectives outlined above a series of coordinated field

experiments over a five year period are proposed.
five year program is presented in Figure 1.

A timetable for this

Details concerning the various

experiments are presented in Section V. of this overview and additional information is contained in the individual proposals which follow in later sections.
The coordinated field experiments fall basically into two categories:



experiments, where estimates of the atmospheric dry and wet deposition of

the various chemical substances to the ocean surface are made from measure-—
ments in rain and dry deposition samples

and (b) Source experiments, where

the ocean is investigated as a source for these substances through the bubble
breaking process using the Bubble Interfacial Microlayer Sampler combined with
simultaneous bubble area/sea salt particle size and number distribution measurements, and where vegetation, soil emissions, and forest fires are
investigated as a source for these substances in the atmosphere.

Flux Experiments
The initial flux experiment is designed to test the various meteoro-

logical, atmospheric sampling, and rain/dry deposition systems in an environ-

ment similar to open ocean conditions but located near participating laboratories and with relatively high expected concentrations and fluxes (thus
minimizing analytical problems).

This experiment will take place in May-June

1978 for three weeks, at Pigeon Key, Florida.

The first remote field flux

experiment will take place in the North Pacific at Tern Island, French Frigate Shoals, in the northwestern Hawaiian Islands (hereafter referred to as


Site evaluation for this location will take place in October, 1977;

construction of the tower and building facility in August-September, 1978;

Select target paragraph3