-2The 118th meeting of the Advisory Committee for Biology and Medicine
was held at the University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project on May 12-13,
Committee members present were Drs. Philip P. Cohen (Vice-Chairman),
William F. Bale, A. J. Haagen-Smit, Lemuel C. McGee, James B. Wyngaarden,
Harvey M. Patt (Scienttific Secretary) and Miss Rosemary Elmo (Executive
Dr. Earl L. Green was unable to attend owing to illness and
Dr. Cohen served as chairman.
Two other members of the ACBM (Drs. M. B.
Russell and R.



Jr.) were also unable to be present because

of prior commitments.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Charles L. Dunham,
Director, Division of Biology and Medicine, his successor, Dr. John R.

and various members of

the DBM staff.

The research program of the UR Project embraces activities in molecular, cellular systems, and animal biology.
A segment of the program
was presented in nine formal papers oriented to basic and applied cancer
research, membrane function, aerosol and inhalation toxicity, and behavioral
There was also an opportunity for informal conferences with
staff members.
The ACBM was generally impressed with the effective presentation of the research and noted with interest the effort to develop a
behavioral research program in a solid biological science environment.
The graduate teaching program was reviewed for the ACBM by Drs. Neuman
and Rothstein.
A core program that cuts across departmental lines is being
developed in molecular and cellular biology.
Members of the UR Project are
taking the lead in this promising development.
The project also functions
as a department within the University with graduate programs in biophysics,
radiobiology, and toxicology.
Its important role in the furthering of
graduate education at the University was noted by the ACBM.
Long-range objectives of the research program were described by the
Co-directors, Drs. Neuman and Rothstein, in a closed meeting with the
It is hoped to develop a balanced program which will cover
various facets of biological organization, for example from molecular to
population studies.
As a step in this direction, certain ongoing programs have been contracted and others expanded.
Some strengthening of
radiological physics is contemplated.
The procedure for internal review
by a policy committee of senior scientists was discussed briefly in
response to a query from the ACBM,
In its meeting with Dr. Dunham and Dr. Totter the Committee noted
‘with pleasure the recent announcement of Dr. Totter's appointment as
Dr. Dunham's successor.
This was followed by some discussion of policy
and planning in regard to DBM activities and the role of the ACBM,
was suggested that this should be a major item for consideration at the
September meeting.
In the meantime, however, the Committee endorsed the
proposal that the DBM structure include provision for both a Deputy
Director and a Special Assistant to the Director.


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