In so doing, vegetation will be

ing and sampling, paths will be made.

removed with the least possible disturbance to the underlying soil;
e.g., brush will be mowed down by either manual or mechanical means
which attempt to leave root structures intact.

Any brush which is cut

will be collected and removed from the Pu suspect area and mechanically
chopped to make mulch.

All vegetation thus removed will be assumed to

be noncontaminated with plutonium, but will be treated respectfully as

though it might contain other radioactive contaminants.

Accordingly, it

will not be burned.


3. HRIDLIER readings will be made while the soil sampling is
being performed.



Locations wnich give a clear plutonium response wil ls

be documented (by the surveyors)

along with the reading.




Samples will be taken at either the air-ground interface

(surface) or at depths beneath the interface (profile).

Surface samples

will be obtained by using a “top-soil cutter" tool which will facilitate
' removing sod to a depth of 5 cm within a well-defined area.

The cutter

area (or total area sampled) will be sufficient to give a sample mass
which can be analyzed for plutonium by gamma spectroscopy (absolute
counting of Am-241 gammas) down to the 40 pCi/g range.

The mass is to

be determined but probably will be in the order of 0.5 kg.

Profile sam-

Select target paragraph3