‘invented, the solitary possession of this all-powerful weapon has put the cities
and production centers of the entire world, including the mighty Soviet Union, ’

at the mercy of our peaceful intentions.

There may never have been a time when

great powers were so dependent upon one major country.

seek to match us in the production of the bomb.

Some may even suspect that the

Russians must be harborine hostile intentions toward this country if they are
disturbed by the present situation,

That would be unfair to the Soviet Union.

She has lost some of the freedom ofaction on which all great powers insist.


cannot risk undertaking any steps which we might interpret as a violation of our:
national interests.

If war broke out today, she would be defenseless.


offers no example of a powerful country resigning itself voluntarily to such

It should be taken for granted and should cause no suspicion or

resentment that the Russians are bending their efforts toward breaking with a
minimun of delay the present American monopoly,

Given the position of the two

countries in the world, it is safe to assume that the Soviet Union, unless

forced by circunstances beyond her control, will not rest content wntil she has
succeeded in matching our atomic power 400, 8

Once again parity may become the

watchword of disarmament negotiations, only this time bearing on the atom bomb
and Soviet-American relations rather than on the naval strength of Britain and
the United States.


Since everything points to an early end of our monopoly, we have every


The Moscow magazine New Times, as quoted by the New York Times, in discussing the atomic bomb on September 3, speaks of "many othercountries...
who will work with redoubled energy to invent weapons as good or better."

York Times, September lh, 19:5.

. Molotov spealcting before the Moscow Sovict on November 6, 1915, said, "We

shall have atomic energy too, and many other things."

Embassy of the U.S.S.R., November 27, 1915.

Information Bulletin,

Select target paragraph3