


It would be desirable also to initiate a series of tests on the resistance
of various kinds of structures to atomic bomb blast.

It might be found that one

type of structure has far greater resistance than another without being correspondingly more costly.

If so, it would behoove the government to encourage that

kind of construction in new building.

Over a long period of years, the gain in

resistance to attack of our urban areas might be considerable, and the costs
involved wovld be marginal.
So far as safeguarding the lives of uroan populations is concerned, the
above suggestions are meaningful only for the initial stages of an attack,


would permit a larger number to survive the initial attacks and thereby to engage
in that exodus from the cities by which alone their lives can be safeguarded.
And the preparation for suck an exodus would involve a vast program for the construction of temporary shelter in the countryside and the planting of emergency

stores of food.

What we would then have in effectiis the dispersal not of cities

but of air-raid shelters.

The writer is here presenting merely some géneral principles which might be
considered in any plan for reducing our general vulnerability.

Obviously, the

actual content of such a plan would have to be derived from the findings of intensive study by experts in a rather large number of fields.

however, that such a study be got under way at once,

It is imperative,

The country is about to

iaunch into a great construction program, both for dwellings and for expanding

New sources of power are to be created by new dams,

The opportuni-

ties thus afforded for "vulnerability control" are tremendous, and should not be
permitted to slip away--at least not without intensive study of their feasibility.

Those who have been predicting attacks of 15,000 atomic bombs and upward
will no doubt look with jaundiced eye upon these speculations.

For they will say

that a country so struck will not merely be overwhelmed but for all practical
purposes will vanish,

Those areas not directly struck will be covered with

Select target paragraph3