Before discussing the character of the force set apart for the job of inva-~
sion, it is necessary to consider whether invasion and occupation remain indispensable to victory in an era of atomic anergy.

Certain scientists have argued

privately that they are not, that a nation committing aggression with atomic .
_bombs would have so paralyzed its opponent as to make invasion wholly superfluous,

It might be alleged that such an argument does not give due credit to the

atomic bomb, since it neglects the necessity of preventing or minimizing retal-

iation in kind.

If the experience with the Y-1 and V2 launching sites in World

War II means anything at all, it indicatos that only occupation of such sites
will finally provent their being used, Perhaps the grcater destructiveness of
the atomic bomb as compared with the bombs used against the V-1 and V2 sitcs
will make an cssontial difference in this respect, but it should be remembered
that thousands of tons of bombs were dropped on those

sites o oe

At any rate, it is wnilikcly that any aggressor will be ableitocout upon elininating with his initial blow the cnemyts entire means of retaliation,

If he

knows the location of the crucial areas, he will scek to have his troops descend
upon and seize then.

But even apart fron the question of direct retaliation with atomic bombs ’
invasion to consolidate the effects of an atomic bomb attack will still be

A nationghed inflicted enormous human and material damage upon an-~

other would find it intolcrable to stop short of eliciting from the latter an
acknowledgment of defcat implemented by a readiness to accept control.

Wars, in

other words, arc fought to be terminated, and to be terminated decisively.


gardless of technological changes, war remains, as Clausewitz put it, an "in-

strunent of policy," a moans of realizing a political end.

To be sure, a nation

nay admit defeat and agroe to occupation prior to actual invasion of its homeland, as the Japanese did,

But it by no means follows that such will be the rulc,.

Japan was complotcly defeated strategically beforc the atomic bombs were used


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