-75used, even by the power which enjoys air superiority.

And while the armed forces

mast still prepare against the possibility that atomic bombs will not be used in
another war--a situation which might permit full mobilization of the national
resources in the traditional manner--they must be at least equally ready to fight
a war in which no such grand mobilization is permitted, /s
The forces which will carry on the war after a largotscale/atonic bomb |
attack may be divided into three main categories according to their respective

The first category will comprise the force reserved for the retal-

iatory attacks with atomic bombs; the second will have the mission of invading
and occupying enemy territory; and the third will have the purpose of resisting
enemy invasion and of organizing relief for devastated


Professional mil-

itary officers will perhaps be less disturbed at the absence of any distinction
between land, sea, and air forces than they will be at the sharp distinction
between offensive and defensive functions in the latter two categories,

In the

past it was more or less the same army which was either on the offensive or the
defensive, depending on its strength and on the current fortunes of war, but, for
reasons which will presently be made clear, a much sharper distinction between
offensive and defensive forces seems to be in prospect for the future.
The force delegated to the retaliatory attack with atomic bombs will have to
be maintained in rather sharp isolation from the national commmity.

Its func-

tions must not be compromised in the slightest by the demands for relief of

struck areas.

Whether its operations are with aircraft or rockets or both, it

will have to be spread over a large nurmbcr of widely dispersed reservations, each
‘of considerable area, in which the bombs and their carriers are sccreted and as
far as possible protected by storage underground,

These reservations will of

course have a completely integrated and independent system of intcr-conmmunication,
and the commander of the force should heve a sufficient autonomy of authority to
be able to act as soon as he has established the fact that the country is being
hit with atomic bombs,

He should not have to wait for orders which may never be


Select target paragraph3