It is desired to emphasize again the fact
that this study does not constitute a war plan, nor is

it a prediction that war will occur.

In fact, such a

war might readily be avoided if the political, social and
economic forces of the world are mobilized to repudiate
the utilization of military force as an instrument of

national policy in line with the philosophy of this study.


While the pattern of war discussed herein is

developed chronologically, any studies which might be
based hereon should be undertaken in the reverse order.
Studies of future war require as an initial basis, a detailed consideration of international objectives and
national objectives in order to determine what this
nation and its Allies might desire to achieve in a postwar world.
It would be necessary to consider next how
those objectives might be achieved in war.
should then be made to discover what conditions should
obtain at the end of the war which would foster the
achievement of national and international objectives.
The type of military campaigns which would result in
those conditions might then be designed. Finally,
mobilization plans and preparations must be made to
support such an overall war effort.



If this study serves no other purpose, it

should be useful if it has emphasized the facts-that the
pattern of future war depends upon the objectives of this
nation, and without these objectives, no one can prepare
adequately for a possible war.
The nature of a future war
should be made a continuing study.
The answers to many
probleme would never be known until or after the war.
is hoped that the U. 8. and her potential Allies will
foster numerous studies that will confirm or reject and

develop substitutes for concepts developed herein. However, it is predicted that future studies will tend to
confirm the concepts on the general pattern of future
war as depicted herein.




Select target paragraph3