
of the past seem by contrast with the atomic bomb to have been minor steps in a
many-sided evolutionary process,

This process never permitted any one invention

in itself to subvert or even to threaten for long the previously existing
equilibrium of military force,

Any startling innovation either of offense or

defense provoked some kind of answer in good time, but the answer was rarely
more than a qualified one

and the end result was usually a profound and

sometimes a politically significant change in the methods of waging war,

With the introduction, however, of an explosive agent which is several
miliion times more potent on a pound for pound basis than the most powerful
explosives previously known, we have a change of quite another character,


factor of increase of destructive efficiency is so great that there arises at
once the strong presumption that the experience of the past concerningeventual
adjustment might just as well be throvm out the window,

Far from being some-

thing which merely "adds to the complexities of field commanders," as one

American military authority put it, the atomic bomb seems so far to overshadow
any military invention of the past as to rencer comparison ridiculous, |


; oe " oN,


The atomic bomb not only places an extraordinary’

military premium upon

the development of new types of carriers but also greatly extends the destructive
range of existing carriers,
World War II saw the development and use by the Germans of rockets capable
of 220 miles range and carrying approximately one ton each of TNT,
London, these rockets completely baffled the defense,

Used against

But for single—blow

weapons which were generally inaccurate at long distances even with radio control,
they were extremely expensive,

It is doubtful whether the sum of economic

li, For a discussion of developing naval technology over the last hundred
years and its political significance see Bernard Brodie, Sea Power in the

Machine Age, Princeton, N.J., 2nd. ed. 1913.


Select target paragraph3