


developed highly efficient counter-smuggling and counter-sabotage agencies,

and which had dispersed through the surrounding countryside substantial portions
of the industries and populations normally gathered in urban communities would
obviously be better prepared to resist atomic attack than a nation which had
either neglected or found itself unable to do these things,

But it would have

only a relative advantage over the latter; it would still be exposed to fear-—

ful destruction,


In any case, technological progress is not ikelyfo be confined to
measures of defense.

The use of more perfect vehicles and of more destructive

bombs in greater quantity might very well offset any gains in defense,

And the

bomb already has a fearful lead in the race,
Random and romantic reflections on the miracles which science has already ~
wrought are of smal] assistance in our speculations on future trends,


War II saw the evolution of numerous instruments of war of truly startling

But with the qualified exception of the atomic bomb itself (the

basic principle of which was discovered prior to but in the same year of the

outbreak of war in Europe), all were simply mechancial adaptations of scientific
principles which were well known long before the war,

It was no doubt a long

step from the discovery in 1922 of the phenomenon upon which radar is based to
the use of the principle in an antiaircraft projectile fuse, but here too
realization that it might be so used considerably antedated the fuse itself.
The advent of a "means of destruction hitherto unknown"--— to quote the
Truman—Attlee-King statement—-is certainly not new,

The steady improvement of

weapons of war is an old story, and the trend in that direction has in recent

years been accelerated.

But thus far each new implement has, at least initially,

been limited enough in the scope of its use or in its strategic consequences
to permit some timely measure of adaptation both on the battlefield and in the
minds of strategists and statesmen,

Even the most "revolutionary" developments


Select target paragraph3