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all of which, incidentally, reflect in their behavior the will of the popular
Governments are of course ruled by considerations not wholly different
from those which affect even enlightened individuals,

That the atomic bomb is a

weapon of incalculable horror will no doubt impress most of them deeply.


they have never yet responded to the horrific implications of war in a uniform

Even those governments which feel impelled to the most drastic self~

denying proposals will have to grapple not merely with the suspicions of other
govermments but with the indisputable fact that great nations have very recently
been ruled by men who were supremely indifferent to horror, especially horror
inflicted by them on people other than their ow.
Statesmen have hitherto felt themselves obliged
the assumption that the situation might again arise where to one or more great
powers war looked less dangerous or less undesirable than the prevailing conditions of peace,

They will want to know how the atomic bomb affects that

They must realize at the outset that a weapon so terrible cannot but

influence the degree of probability of war for any given period in the future.
But the degree of that influence or the direction in which it operates is by no
means obvious,

It has, for example, been stated over and over again that the

atomic bomb is par excellence the weapon of aggression, that it weights the
scales overwhelmingly in favor of surprise attack,

That if true would indicate

that world peace is even more precarious than it was before, despite the greater
horrors of war.

But is it inevitably true?

If not, then the effort to make the

reverse true would deserve a high priority among the measures to be pursued.
Thus, a series of questions present themselves.
in a world which contains atomic bombs?

Is war more or less likely

If the latter, is it sufficiently un-

likely-—-sufficiently, that is, to give society the opportunity it desperately
needs to adjust its politics to its physics?

What are the procedures for effect—

ing that adjustment within the limits of our opportunities?

And how can we

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