~13powerful medicine and should not be the sole means of assuring the observance of
the treaty,

Some kind of inspection system would still be extremely helpful,

And the first line of defence would always have to be the constant exercise


farsighted, conciliatory diplomacy in order to avoid the building up of tensions
that might tempt nations to seek

a solution through the use of force.

Thus we

come to the final paradox that while the best way to avoid atomic warfare is to
get rid of war itself, the strongest present ally in the effort to get rid of
war is the capacity to resort to atomic warfare at a moment's notice.

The development of the atomic bomb has wrough Sprofourid changes in three

major fields: (1) in the military affairs of nations, 75) in their political
relationships, and (3) in the organized international machinery for peace
and security,

Each one of these is dealt with in the following text and there

is a final chapter on the problem of international control of atomic weapons,
There are still large gaps in the information that is essential to
satisfactory answers to specific questions,

arriving at

The authors of the folloring text

are acutely aware of these gaps and are amxious not to claim anything more for
their contributions than that they are preliminary essays in an exceedingly

difficult and complex subject.

But it is time for responsible scholars to

speak out to the best of their ability and not wait until all the evidence is in
on every question,

Only through the hard work of many minds is it likely that

the means shall be found to remove the threat of disastcr now facing us, a
threat the like of which has never been seen before in the history of this planct,


Select target paragraph3