
-138- \ two great powers, the U.S.S.R. and Britain, were accused of endangering the
peace of the world,

But, so long as the veto survives, the ultimate external

deterrent operating on the five permanent members of the Security Council will
be the prospect that a violation of their agreements will bring down upon then
retaliation which the United Nations Organization cannot order under the present
terms of the Charter.
The legal position being what it is--and the legal position corresponds to
the political difficulty of establishing a world government strong enough to
coerce great powers—there will be a natural tendency‘onthe part of states

fearing conflict with one of the great powers, to seek assurance of help outside
the provisions of the Charter.

They may find this ay biiateral treaties of

alliance, or in regional pacts, or in both,

The search for reinsurance against

the possible breakdown of a general security system was a familiar phenonenon
during the life of the League of Nations, and it was well under way again before
the end of World War II.

The San Francisco Charter gives formal recognition to

those realities in world politics which provide the motive for this search; and
the advent of atomic weapons has done nothing to check the tendency.

It may,

however, do something to change the direction in which states will look for
supplementary guarantics,
The overall trend that seems most likely will be for states to group them.
selves around that neighbor who combines the greatest capacity to launch atomic
attack with the greatest capacity to survive it.

This trend will probably not

alter the constellation of hemispheric security in the Americas; but it may radically change the shape of things in Europe,

The present movement there is

towards an Eastern grouping around the Soviet Union, and a Western grouping

around Britain and France.

But even if France soon wins the secret of manu-

facturing atomic weapons, and if she and Britain merge any productive capacity
which they may be able to develop, they will find themselves, as soon as the

Sovict Union is in production, in a position which at least on the defensive side

Select target paragraph3