

~135assigned to the body regulating atomic energy.

But if the security function is

detached from the United Nations Organization and assigned to a small group con
sisting exclusively of the great powers, it will have to be performed without
those advantages of broad participation which the Organization was designed to

The peace would be kept by a naked great—power dictatorship.

Any group

controlling atomic weapons has in its hands the means of governing the world.
If this group is to be also the legally constituted agency of collective security, it is highly important that it should include, as the Security Council
does, a substantial representation of the smalier states,

To organize it other-

wise would be to violate principles proclaimed throughout the war by the demo—
cratic nations, °+


If this reasoning is sound, no satisfactory solution of tthe international
1 C.

problems raised by atomic fission can be f
United Nations Organization.

d outside the framework of the

It has been maintained in an earlier chapter that

the crux of the whole problem is the necessity of such an arrangement as will
give to the Soviet Union and the United States a mutual sense of security. That

view does not conflict with the thesis that the arrangement must be one that
“Will give other countries as well a sense of security.

To achieve that essen-

tial purpose it must be an arrangement in which they participate,
The commission set up br the United Nations is instructed to make proposals
-'tfor the elimination from national armaments of atomic weapons and of all other
major weapons adaptable to mass destruction," and "for effective safeguards by
way of inspection and other means to protect complying states against the hazards of violations and evasions,"
These instructions represent a necessary and ultimate objective.
less would satisfy the armcious hopes of peace-loving peoples.


But a literal

"elimination from national armaments," coupled with "effective safeguards," may

E.ge, The Moscow Declaration, point h, and the fifth paragraph of the

Teheran Declaration,


Select target paragraph3