


avoiding war, particularly atomic war, must be worked to the utmost.


the more frightful war becomes for victor and vanquished alike the more effort
must be devoted to the peaceful settlement of disputes and to remedying conditions that make for war,

These trends in general thought were alircady
--collective security and for economic and social co-operation which culminated in
the San Francisco Charter, and in the reception which those plans found the
world over.

They have been strengthened in the interval of reflection which has

followed the first shocked reaction to the reality of atomic weapons.

onc instantaneous effect of the bomb that fell on Hiroshima on August 6,
1945, was a revival of the federalist movement.

Men who had previously


of a world state as something too remote to be worth striving for, were converted overmight to the view that the race could not survive wnless states gave
up their sovereignty and merged in one universal union,

‘There were even some

whose attachnent to national individuality and international variety had made
them hostile to the whole notion of world government, put who now, faced with
the dread potentialities of the new weapon, proclaimed the sudden conviction that
the peoples must unite or perish from the earth.

A new cliché was added to our

stereotyped vocabulary, namely, that the atom bomb had made an anachronism of the
San Francisco Charter,
That there was ample excuse for intellectual and spiritual disturbance cannot be denied.

There is, it is true, very little evidence to support the advo-

cates of immediate world federation in their apparent belief that the atom bomb
has frightened away all the obstacles to the consummation of their desires.
any event, terror is hardly the perfect basis for union.


But one thing is clear,

A powerful conviction is abroad in the world that, wnless means can be devised
to prevent the competitive national production of atomic weapons, the existing

plans for collective security will be worthless,
It does not follow that the design so laboriously worked out at San


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