-121mentioned the fact that the Soviet Union

might prefer to stake her military

fortunes on an atomic blitz campaign in which the two major belligerents would
fight across other countries without having to conquer them.

Also there would

be considerable inducement to spare the productive facilities of lesser countrics
in the hope that they might eventually be substituted for those destroyed at


Finally, a great power, suffcring heavily from enemy atomic bombardment,

might ili afford to divert as much strength to the conquest of foreign territory
as Gormany was able to do in the carly years of the last war or to risk engaging
heavily armed forces at great distances when they would depend for their suvply
ana reserves on home bascs and communications which were open to total destruc-


If this proved to be true, the defensive power of lesser countries would

have become greatcr than it was in the Second World War
weapons would not have become obsoletc.

and their non-atomic

Also, as a consequence, the position of

the Sovict Union in the heart of Europe would hate-lost some of its military




These considerations, of course, apply Sonia’, Sovict-Amcrican or a sinilar war in which two major powers, both in vossession of atomic weapons, would
face cach other.

The outcome of a war in which the Sovict Union was fighting on

one side and lesser powers without sufficient atomic weapons and without American aid on the other would be a foregone conclusion.

The opponents of Russia

would be in such a case in all probability have to capitulate cven before the

war had started.

One need not wonder, therefore, if in the rimlands of Eurasia

the old idea of a "balance of pover" as a major protective device had lost none

of its traditional popularity!
If some of the weaker mtions should come to possess atomic woapons of their
om, their position would, of course, be strengthened,
while allies for both the Sovict Union and ourselves.

Theywould become warthThe stature of a country

like France, who could throw her weight to one side or the other, would srow

But whether the Russians or we would stand to gain by such a
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Select target paragraph3