


the Soviet Union despite meticulous preparations should find it difficult to.
carry them to success,

Her expectation of success would depend largely on the

defensive counter-measures which we had undertaken,

There would be little

danger to us from invasion attempts if we were able to rescue a large part of

our naval and air power from atomic destruction.

Since non-atomic weapons

would come to play a decisive role in all operations accompanying or following
upon atomic attacks and counterattack,

our general technical and industrial

superiority, if it survived atomic bombardment, would add to our geographical .
The land masses of the Soviet Union, with their extended boundaries, could
hardly be made equaliy immune to external penetfetial,

Our forces, even if re-

duced to light armament, should be able to strike at the Russian homeland,


does not follow that such invasion of Russian solwould bring certain or easy

History offers ample evidence that the contrary is more likely to be

true. Our policy of determent, however, does not depend on whether we can
defeat Russia; to be successful it need only prevent the Russians from expecting
to defeat us.
Even if the Russians did not fear ultimate defeat of the kind Hitler
suffered, similarities between the situation of their country in a war with us

and that of Nazi Germany in the last war could hardly fail to impress itself on

They too could expect to enjoy considerable advantages in respect to

preparedness in the initial stages of a war with us.

They would, however, risk

finding,the odds against them if they became engaged in a protracted war.


similarity would become even more strilcing if, as another land power with easy
access to foreign territory, the Soviet Union planned to overrun some of the
weaker countries which surround her, The result might again be that. defense
against invasion would become more difficult.

As a matter of fact, the Russians

might plan an atomic blitz campaign in which the time-consuming occupation of
weaker countries would be unnecessary and constitute a wasteful diversion of

Select target paragraph3