
take the necessary measures in regard to retaliation.in lrind, “If it is enough

to instill the fear of such retaliation, our policy of determent can be made
effective despite the handicaps under which we have been found to operate.
However, determent, as we said earlier, may require that to the threat of
destruction be added the threat that despite all sacrifices victory would not be


We must seek to discover, therefore, what chances of victory thetwo

countries could expect to have,

A war under conditions of dual possession of

atomic power could be won by the country which was more capable of accepting
punishment; its opponent might collapse or surrender under the sheer impact of
atomic attack,

In that case the war might take on the character of a brief

atomic blitz campaign.

If instead neither party were to give up despite the

horrors and losses inflicted by atomic weapons the war would be drawn out and
call for non-atomic operations and the invasion of enemy territory.

It is

necessary to assess the winning chances of the two countries in respect to both
types of war.

If neither had reason to expect victory from a blitz campaign,

the decisive deterring factor would be AmeTack of hope of winning a protracted ©

It is hardly necessary to inquire : et er this country would dars attack
Russia because it hoped to be more capable of standing destruction.

The idea of

the United States starting a Soviet-American war appears preposterous in itself.
But aside from all other considerations, we have certainly been too much inpressed by the way the Russians were able to take punishment in the last war to
have any illusions in that respect.

[ven atomic bombardment could hardly

exceed very much the damage which the Germans inflicted on the western and
southern parts of the Soviet Union; yet the Russians fought on.
The chances of winning a war against this country by the use of atomic
means alone might look more promising to the Russians,

This country has had

experience neither with air bombardment nor with the kind of guerilla warfare
by lightly armed and independent units which the Russians used last time and

Select target paragraph3