


The question of what chances the United States and the Soviet Union may
have in the future of deterring each other, should that ever become necessary,
can be answered only if we have some idea of what a war between them would be


The risks of destruction and defeat which the two countrics would face if

they engaged in hostilities with cach other depends on the character of the war.
The outlook for determent will be brighter if these risks are extensive and



It is not a happy task to try to visualizé! awar, the outbreak of which
would mark a tragedy exceeding in horroraxyethat man has experienced.


Teould have us abstain from attempting it lest we arouse the sleeping demons of

Their apprehensions, however, are not justified by history.

Or the many

writers who have discussed the causes of the two world wars none has suggested
that the Western Powers talked themselves into them or brought them about by an
excess of early thought about their probable nature.
likely true.

The opposite is more

Obviously any attempt to imagine such a future war, even in its

roughest outlines, must at this time be highly speculative and tentative.


Jules Vernes of the atomic age may come to look foolish very quickly!
it needs few words to dispose of the idea that our present superiority in
atomic production need give us marked advantages far into the period of dual
possession of the bomb.

In an earlier chapter it was pointed out that a stage

may be reached by both countries beyond which the advantage of possessing larger
stockpiles and better atomic weapons would decline rapidly. !

This does not

mean that in a protracted war our impressive and possibly lasting technical and
industrial superiority would not pay high military dividends,

The later dis-

cussion of the non-atomic aspects of a war in an atomic age should bring this
out more clearly.
In respect to alliances there might be a tendency to cverestimate the value

1+ see above Po. 36-38; p. 65.

Select target paragraph3