occurs in the future, it is far more likely to originate in the Soviet Union

than here.

As a consequence the choice between defending the status quo or

pursuing a policy of appeasement will, if it occurs at all, present itself to us
rather than to the Russians.
Fortunately the experience of the thirties contains 2 warning not only to
any would=-be appeasers and defenders of the established order but equally to any
country which might believe it could change the status quo by force without thereby incurring the risk of war,

Hitler deceived himself, with disastrous con-

sequences to his country, when he assumed that British fear of bombardment and
reluctance to become involved in a war over Central Europe would outlast any ,

Evenif the Soviet leaders should

some future date feel strongly

melee oN

about the need for further Russian expansion =Nazi experience with the English-

speaking countries coupled with Japanese experiance’at Hiroshima and Nagasali
could hardly fail to exercise on them a restraining or cautioning influence.
When speculating about the change of psychology which dual possession of the
bomb may bring about, some hold the hopeful view that the two countries, to-

gether with the rest of the world, will be dravm closer together by the common

They believe that a sense of solidarity may develop in the face of the

unprecedented threat which the atomic weapon represents to civilization.
would be rash to discard this possibility.


The Russians and we, concerned about

our cities and industries, might be led to combine in a vigorous common effort
to bring atomic power under control,

However, it would be a mistake to overlook

the other possibility, if not probability, that our fear of Russian bombs and
their fear of American bombs will prove more powerful than our common anxiety
about the atomic bomb in general,

If that should turn out to be the case, the

new Weapon will tend to strain the relations between the two countries rather
than to associate them in a common enterprise.
Those who take this second and more pessimistic view incline toward the

belief that Russiats possession of the bomb will unleash a dangerous and

Select target paragraph3