~100deadly weapon into the hands of others we might help create an atmosphere of good
will from which, however, we could expect no more than passing gains.

To rule

out this radical solution docs not mean condemning as useless or impracticable
the idea of gradually lifting the veil of secrecywhich today surrounds the pro~
duction of atomic energy and atomic weapons.

The revelation of secrets will tend

to shorten the duration of our monopoly, but it might constitute a reasonable and
limited concession in return for which the Soviet Union might permit the UNC to

start experimenting with inspection schemes suitable'tofuture conditions of dual
possession of the bomb.


No attention need be given to the idea voiced:h

d there that we dis-

close our secrets to the Russians in return for a promise on their part not to

make use of then.

It would be folly to expect them to make any such promise

Since if they did they would be condemning their country to permanent mlitary

Britain is in a different position.

Although in on the secret she

may decide to forego the luxury of cstablishing plants-.of her own in the belief
that she is sufficiently protected by our possession of the bomb.


It is being widely held that there is still another way by which our monopoly could be brought to an end,

Instead of substituting for -it’ either total

atomic disarmanent or multiple possession of the bomb, we could aim at what is
being called the internationalization of atomic weapons,

This would suggest a

transfer of our atomic monopoly to the United Nations Organization,

On closer

scrutiny any scheme of UNO possession of the atomic weapons, however, turns out
to be not a solution sui generis but another form of cither American monopolistic
possession or of dual possession of the bomb.

This can be demonstrated by an

analysis of ir. Stassen's suggestion that all stockpiles of atomic bombs be handed
over to an international police force and that further production be stopped.




Address of Harold FE. Stassen delivered before the Academy of Political Sci-

ence, November 8, 19145.

New York Times, November 9, 195,

Select target paragraph3