-99that the consent of the American people could never have been obtained for such a
scheme; but that would seem to pin on the American people all the blame for defeating what might be the panacea for the ils of the atomic age.

For this reas-

on it is worthwhile, as in the case of the humanitarian crusade which we discussed earlier, to show that the idea

happier days of the preekatomic age.

is not merely utopian but unsuited to the

The "know-how" and therefore the potential

existence of atomic weapons is here to stay,

By ridding itself of ali atomic

power the United States would expose itself to the danger that the Soviet Union
or some other country might violate its commitments and emerge as the sole
possessor of the bomb.

At the same time this chance of attaining a monopoly

might make the temptation to violate international agreements almost irresistible.

As a matter of fact, it is wilikely that our disarmament would induce the Soviet
Union to abstain from those activities which would give her the "know~how! and

Another objection to this scheme is worth mentioning.

Efforts would

no doubt be made to preserve the production of atomic power for peacetime: uses;
but it might prove technically impossible to do so while destroying the means of

producing atomic weapons,
There is another way by which, in rcturn for commitments and guarantees, we
couid offcr to end our monopoly, although this one can safely be passed over with
few comments,

We might offer to distribute our stockpiles of atom bombs among

the United Nations and specifically help the Russians and others to erect plants
for the production of bombs.

Yet nothing would be achieved by such procedure

other than to hasten the advent of a situation which the Russians and possibly
other nations expect to bring about at an carly date anyway.

Since the Sovict

Union has little to fear from our monopoly while it lasts, we could not hope to
obtain from her long-term commitments which she would not be equally ready to
make after gotting into atomic production without our help.

By putting this

Select target paragraph3