

Robert Dd.

Law 3






thes while they ere auaiting transportation from Ebeye back to their

howe islands.

It is suggested thea travel orders cite the above

mentioned Mesorandug of Understanding ae the authority and also aote
that the AEC will reimburse the Trust Territory for the costs in. urrod
under these orders.

Although the following wee act dicussed with Hesers. Ownbdy or

Vandling, tt is our thought that if travel orders were issued to
the patients covering the full journey vcathor than just for the pert

from howe Lelarst to Bbeya and return, if would improve che relationship

between the patients and ou- respective agencias.

Therefore, fa connection with the future travel of Marshallese
A ee ae oe

pationts ag initiated by the AKC, it {fs propceed that the Government
(Trust Territory) fornish trawel orders to tha individual pationts
placing them in official travel status from the tima of leaving their
home island to the United States and until they return to their respective howe falande. Aucthorization to travel via military aircraft
between Kiajaletn and Honolulu, es the schedule dictates, will be issued
by the ARC,

The trevel orders could be issued for a perisd not to ex

coed sixty (60) days and would carry tw per diem rates; (1) the
established rate of $10.00 per day while in travel shetus in the Trust
Territory to cover their expenses while traveling ox awaiting trensportation at Ebeys; (2) a rate of $2.00 per day upom leaving Ebeye
and while in travel etatue outside the Truse Territory. The rate of
$2.00 per day ia considered a reasonable figure since all expenses for
such items as transportation, clotiing, subsistence and lodging are

cogg cus

paid for by the ‘20 at the tise the expenses are incurred.

If you feel that iosuing travel orders covering the petients’ full

trip as indicated shove would be haltpful in carrying out the reapoo-

sibilities of the Goverrment, the following procedures to accomplish
thie are submitted for your consideration:

The AEC upon establishing which of the pationts requice
special medical treatment will advise the Trust Territory
District Administrator, Marshall Islands, in writing,
giving the identity of the patient, home faland location,
points of trevel, and time echodule for the travel and
request that trevwel orders be fesued tc che individuals


If travel by NAC fe involved, these orders

will aceespany the reqvost.


Tha Trust Territory based on the AEC request will iseve
trevel orders to the individuals covering thefr travel
for @ period not to exceed 60 days, unicss specified



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Form AEC-318 (Rey, 9-523}

ToS eee eee

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OF Pra Rg


Select target paragraph3