

DOE required 8 months to learn how to
characterize the soil problem.

Discovery gt additional radioactive contaminants,


238Pu and 24lan.

The EPA is developing a standard for transuranium
contaminant levels in soil which reduces the

Enewetak cleanup guidance from 400 pCi/gm to

160 pCi/gm, and


We had to learn how to do the soil cleanup work,
to apply our efforts where

they will do the

most good which means we should not create clean
holes on dirty islands.*
We have found that we can clean Enjebi to the living

standard, e.g., less than 40 pCi/gm, with an average

for the island,

perhaps as low as

5 to 10 pCi/gm.

The rehabilitation problems are now beginning.
is a strong need to resolve the coconut planting problem

(41,000 seedlings), that is, where to plant them?


problems include the house construction problem, and
how to integrate their construction with the cleanup

The Admiral urged everyone to be fully aware of their
"DNA Demobilization Plan."
This plan shows the
availability of facilities such as buildings, air-

strips, etc., with time.

The removal of these facilities

may impact other plans which may be assuming continued
availability when in reality

these facilities

ready have been removed from service.

may al-

He stressed the need for resolving the "coconut planting"
Where should the 41,000 seedlings be planted
if they cannot be planted on the northern islands which
have the high Csl137 and Sr90 levels?
He believed DOE
Should dedicate additional effort to further characterize
the soil problem and schedule alternatives to the original planting plan.
He had communicated these considerations to all involved parties in his TWX of September

*It took DOF a year to get DNA to recognize this.

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