FOREWORD This report presents the final results of one of the projects participating in the military-effect
programs of Operation Hardtack. Overall information about this and the other military-effect
projects can be obtained irom ITR—1660, the “Summary Report of the Commander, Task Unit
3.” This technical summary includes: (1) tables listing each detonation with its yield, type,
environment, meteorological conditions, etc.; (2) maps showing shot locations; (3) discussions
of results by programs: (4) summaries of objectives, procedures, results, etc., for all projects; and (5) a listing of project reports for the military-effect programs.

In the formulation of this project, several distinct parts were established: rocket fallout sampling, aircraft fallout sampling and sample analysis, data interpretation, and report preparation.

Responsibility for the conduct of rocket sampling was assigned to the University of California
Radiation Laboratory (UCRL); responsibility for the conduct of the aircraft sampling was as-

signed to the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL); and responsibility for the conduct of
sample analysis, report writing, and so forth, was assigned to the U.S. Naval Radiological
Defense Laboratory (NRDL).

The Project Officer was supplied from the NRDL technical staff.

H.F. Plank, as technical

adviser to the project officer, was responsible for the conduct of the LASL portion; E.H. Fleming
acted in a Similar capacity for the UCRL portion; and N.E. Ballou and T. Triffet were responsible for the NRDL portion.
The authors acknowledge the vital contributiona made to the project, in both the field and the

laboratory, by members of the laboratories.

The individuals included: G. Cowan, P. Guthals,

and H. Plank, of LASL; R. Batzel, E. Fleming, R. Goeckerman, F. Momyer, W. Nervik, P.
Stevenson, and K. Street of UCRL; and J. Abriam, N. Ballou, C. Carnahan, E. Freiling,
M.G. Lai, D. Love, J. Mackin, M. Nuckolls, J. O’Connor, D. Sam, E. Scadden. E. Schuert,
P. Strom, E.R. Tompkins, T. Triffet, H. Weiss, L. Werner and P. Zigman of NRDL.

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