tritiated water, exhibits. a relatively.rapid:‘exponential

disappearance with anaverage, half.time. of about 11

hours; consequently,the ‘correctdilution factor must be

found by extrapolating the plasma,.concentration curve
back to the time of injection,
The exchange of tritiamwith hydrogenIntissuesolids




Fro. 1.) Tarrrrum Concewraation ne Vanovs Boop
as «4 Function op Toaz in Two Patients witrn Cr-


Plasma specific activity is expressed in unita of activity relative to the tritium standard.
water collected in a CO, trap was ‘then analysed for ‘tri. tam as before.

Arterial mixing of tritiated water, investigated
in this laboratory by Paceand associate (15),reveals
that mixing is essentially complete in normal adults
well within two hours. In the present investigation,
early changes in the specific activity of tritium in
plasma were studied serially in two patients with

_ marked ascites in whom mixing might be expected

to be greatly altered. However, as shown in Figure 1, after two hours, mixing appears to be com-

ent, the ratios (H*-body water) /(antipyrine body
-water) and: (H?* body water)/(antipyrine body
water) should be equal. This was, in fact, ob-

“served on comparing the present tritium-antipyrine
body water volumes with the deuterium-antipyrine
body. water volume reported by Soberman and associates (14). At least within the present experimental error, an isotope effect does not appear to
be a measurable factor.

Previous investigators (14) have observed that

on the average, a small but relatively constant dif-

ference in total body water is found with deuterium
as compared to antipyrine. As indicated above, a
similar difference between tritium and antipyrine

plete, at least within the accuracy of measurement,
in both these individuals, Subsequent studies in ‘water volumes is found in which the tritium dilupatients with fluid retention indicate that-long half- tion volume is ‘slightly greater than that for antients are present. : However, in
pytine.. This difference can be accounted for by
- the present studies the 24 hour sample taken in pa-

tients with fluid retention minimizes any error due |

to slow mixing components.
In simple dilution methods such as those used
here, where equilibrium is first established, it is
highly unlikely that even the great mass difference
between hydrogen and tritium ‘can introduce an
isotope effect of consequence. However, without
direct comparison with deuterium, this is difficult
to demonstrate.

The comparison, nevertheless,

could be madeindirectly with the results of studies
in which antipyrine and deuterium water volumes
were investigated. If no isotope effects were pres-

DOL 30o6


exchangeof tritiumwith labile hydrogen atoms

of proteins and carbohydrates. The body water

(plasma) specific activity is consequently lowered,

giving the appearance of larger volume. As shown
in Table I, the specific activity of tritium in vari- ous organsof the rabbit varied from 6% to 15% of
that for body water:. This agrees closely with the
observations of Ussing with deuterium (16). As-

suming that exchange of the same order of magnitude as in rabbits also takes place in the corresponding tissue of man, a correction of about 2% in total
body water can be calculated, which is in agree-

Select target paragraph3