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22. SHREFFLER DC, Brewer GJ, Gatt JC, Hoxevman MS: Electrophoretic variation

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23. BAJATZADEH M, WaLTER M: Studies on the population genetics of the ceruloplasmin
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24, Gretett ER: The plasma transferrins. in Progress in Medical Genetics, vol 2, edited
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25, Sick K, Beare O, Irvixe D, Lexuann H, Goopart PT, MacDovcatr §: Haemoglobin Gronenhagen and haemoglobin Jesnpriage. TWO new A-chain variants of haemoglobin A. Biochem Biophys Actz 149:231-242, 1967
26. Kusrvra M, Onra T: Theoretical Astects of Population Genetics. Princeton, N.J.,
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27. Lr F, Neer JV, Roruscan E: A second study of the survival of a neutral mutation
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28. Nee, JV, Uspa N, Satox C, Ferrert RE, Taxis RJ: The frequencyin Japanese

of genetic variants of 23 proteins. V. Summary and comparison with data on Caucasians. In preparation

Tenth Miles International Symposium
The Tenth Miles International Symposium on “The Impact of Recombinant Molecules on Science and Society” will be heid June 8-10, 1976 at the Kresge Audi-

torlum, Massachusetts Insiitute of Tecnology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. For
further information contact Dr. Edward G. Bassett, Symposium Coordinator, Miles
Laboratories, Inc., Elkhart, Indiana 46514. Telephone (219) 264-8460.

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