Department of Energy

Washington, D.C. 20545
April 25, 1978

V/ADM Robert R. Monroe

Defense Nuclear Agency

Washington, D. C.


Dear Admiral Monroe:

Earlier this month we discussed the Department of Energy policy regarding

medical followup for those individuals exposed to radiation as a consequence of nuclear weapons testing. This letter confirms that

The present DOM puldelines for radtation exposure are published in
Manual Chapter 0524, Standards for Radiation Protection, most recently

updated on March 30, 1977.

The overall philosophy is for operations

to be conducted in a manner to assure that radiation exposure to
individuals and population groups is limited to the lowest levels


As applied to the Nevada Test Site, MC 0524 requires

that onsite exposures be limited to 3.0 rem/quarter and 5.0 rem/year

and offsite exposures be less than 170 mrem/year for uncontrolled
populations and 500 mrem/year for controlled populations.

These are

consistent with the standards set and published by the Environmental

Protection Agency.

Under present policy, adopted by the Nevada Operations Office of the

Department of Energy in October 1971,




Greater than 50% of a lung burden.


Greater than 10% of an organ (other than lung) or body burden.


Open wounds containing radioactive contamination or a radioactive
foreign body.


Reeatved axposure to excernal radiation which exceeds the
criteria in Manual Chapter 0524.

Select target paragraph3