Effects of Nuclear Weapons Testing


Dv. Dunning is « health physicist with the Division of Biclagy and Moedicime,
US. Atoma Energy Communes, Washington, D.C. His primary duties are oom
corned wath biclogical effects of radiation, «specially as relatedte nucloer weapons tests, and he has participated in all of these tents mnce joining the commipnon in july (951. Me recawed his edacetion at Syrecess Unioeraty end nl
masntems mterett in hes major field at the umvernity, that


layers of the sumosphere may focus the blast



producing greater presmeres than are usually
peceed at tha powt (2). These refieceed
Nevada Ten See. Total clams paid w


CURING che past decade the United Seats

bees imjyured derecthy or mdirectly from

blasts. Thus. there 5 some sight risk of manor
or eee ee windows im arena

i€ the was are contmued? (wii What do these data

meam—how serous are the powsble risks?
Stast aed Thermal

Glast. The blast effects are lasted to areas meas

the wee of detonation. Partial damage to structures
may execad for about 2 mies for a sominal-ased

bemb (equivalent im energy w 20,000 cons of
TNT) (1) and for 10 miles of more for high-yield
weapons. However, refleccion of blast waves from

Oevembes 1955

poreniv bhad a prrmon if he jonks directly at it,
even from a distance of 30 ww 40 miles The brilhance of a somal bomb mak that of 100 suns
whee viewed at a distance of 6 miles | /). The simpie act of curning the head away from the lime of
detomation can gre adequate protection. For these
reasons, motorists near the Nevads Test Seer are
warned prior to cach detonation. Ia the past, four
military perwonne! participating in the Nevada tess
have recened eve mjury—three superficial chee
have compictely healed, and one senous. No cme
has been miured off the tem ste.

Select target paragraph3