Surveillance of Facilities and Sites
Project Title: Marshall Islands Radiological Safety Program
13. Publications:


Greenhouse, N. A., Levine, G. S., Kraner, H. W. and Naidu, J. R. A thin
intrinsic germanium detector array for direct counting of soil samples. Presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of Health Physics Society, San Francisco,
California, June 1976.


(a) 200 Word Summary: Environmental and personnel monitoring programs
for the Marshallese people living at Bikini, Rongelap and Utirik .ktollsmust
continue indefinitely in order to assess dose contributions to these people
from the residual radioactivity originally produced by U.S. nuclear weapons
tests in the Pacific. Detailed assessments of the contributions of external
gamma radiation have been made over the past two years, but the identification
of internal exposure pathways and determination of their radiological significance are subject to many variables which will require environmental and diet
monitoring and bioassay programs for many years. The focal points of the next
year’s efforts will be quantification of the average annual diet and its radionuclide content of each atoll; determination of the significance of the inhalation pathway for plutonium and other radionuclides resuspended from local soils,
and establishment of urine excretion rates for plutonium, strontium 90 and
cesium 137 for individuals if possible, and the averages for atoll populations.
From these data, assessments of both external and internal doses and do:
commitments will be made. In addition, projections of future radiological conditions will be postulated in order to provide appropriate guidance on projected land use and living patterns. Earlier dose assessments will be revised
and updated, and dosimetry models will be refined to reflect actual trends as
determined from the monitoring program.
Project personnel will provide a resource of expertise for establishment
of independent review of radiation protection programs associated with cleanup
and rehabilitation efforts in the northen Marshall Islands, and for related
health physics interests of the Division of Safety, Standards and Compliance.


Relationship to Other Proiects:

a. Field surveys will be made in close conjunction with those of the
BNL Medical Survey Team, and assistance will be given to their efforts.
b. Continued collaboration with the University of Washington, Laboratory
for Radiation Ecology is anticipated in SSC-sponsored environmental programs
in the Pac”ificBasin.


Technical Progress in FY 1977:

During a field trip in September-October 1976, visits to Wotje, Ailuk,
Utirik, Rongelap,and Bikini provided opportunities to collect urine samples

(See Continuation Sheet)
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