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Special In-vivo Counting and Bioassay Program for the Bikini
People. Supplement to the BNL Marshall Islands Radiological
project Title: Safetv Program
13. Publications:
Greenhouse, N.A. and Miltenberger, R.P. Radiological analyses of
Marshall Islands environmental samples from 1974 through 1976. BNL Report





Greenhouse, N.A. and Miltenberger, R.P. External radiation survey and
dose predictions for Rongelap, Utirik, Rongerik, Ailuk, and Wotje Atolls.
BNL Report 50797.

(a) 200 Word Summary: A special field trip will be made in August 1978
to do in-vivo counting and urine bioassay at Kwajalein Atoll on 20 to 30
Bikini residents before their anticipated exodus from Bikini in late August.
In addition, a separate field trip party will proceed to Bikini to c-ollect24
hr urine samples from those Bikini residents who cannot be accommodatedon the
charter flight which will bring the in-vivo counting subjects to Kwajalein.
The rationale for this effort is as ?%11ows:
Cs body burdens in the
(1) Accurate internal dosimetry for
Bikinians requires an assessment of extant body burdens just
prior to the departure of the people from Bikini.


(2) There is evidence that both the short-term and long-term
compartment 137c.sclearance rates from the Bikinians may differ
significantly from those for the ICRP standard man. Determination of these parameters is essential to the accurate assessment
of total dose commitments.
During the past several years the Bikinians have become
apprehensive about potential health effects which they feel
might result from their having lived in the contaminated Bikini
environment. The personal attention that they will receive in
these personnel monitoring activities should help to alleviate
some of their fears.


Relationship to other Projects:


This program is directly related to our on-going environmental and personnel monitoring efforts under the BNL Marshall Islands Radiological Safety

Technical Proqress in 1978:
and. .the_detemination
— — .and
. - clearance
..- of body ..burdens
(See Continuation Sheet)

Select target paragraph3