

External Radiation Measurements and
“Gr~und Truth” for Northern Marshall
Islands Regional Radiological Suney
project Title:
13. Publications:



Greenhouse, N.A. and MiItenberger, R.P. Radiological analyses of
Marshall Islands environmental samples from 1974 through 1976. BNL Report
50796 in press.
Greenhouse, N.A. and Miltenberger, R.P. External radiation survey and
dose predictions for Rongelap, Utirik, Rongerik, Ailuk, and Wotje Atolls.
BNL Report 50797 in press.




(a) 200 Word Summary: A comprehensive external radiation survey program
will be conducted on each of the approximately 13 atolls or islands in the
Northern Marshall Islands which could have received tropospheric fallout from
U.S. nuclear weapons tests in the Pacific. The surveys will provide “ground
truth” data on ambient external gannnaradiation levels on-island. This data
will be used as the basis for calibration and normalization of aerial radiological monitoring by E.G.&G. Corporation. The program will include detailed
external radiation measurements with pressurization chamber and scintillation
survey instruments, and in situ gamma spectrometry on all islands of interest.
Surface soil samples will be collected and analyzed for significant gama
emitters in order to make decay corrections for long-term dose predictions via
the external radiation exposure pathway.
BNL field trip staff and analytical lab facilities will be available for
other environmental sample collections and analyses as needed by the overall
scientific program.


Relationship to Other Projects:

This program is directly related to our continuing environmental and personnel monitoring efforts under the BNL ?farshall Islands Radiological Safety
Program. It will also interact cooperatively with related efforts at the
University of Washington (LRE) and Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.


Technical Progress in FY 1978:

Personnel and analytical laboratory resources will be mobilized in support
of this program. If the regional survey begins on schedule, the first of the
three survey legs should be completed by the end of FY 1978.


Expected Results in FY 1979:
The remaining two survey legs will be completed, data analyzed, and a

(See Continuation Sheet)


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