Surveillance of Facilities and Sites
Islands Radiological Safety Program
Technical Progress in ~ 1978:


Several reports are in press or in progress for publication in ~ 1978.
These reports will surmnarizeall B24Lradiological program activities to date
and identify the technical issues to be addressed in FY 1979 and 1980. Two
field trips were made in October 1977 to initiate the BNL air monitoring programs at Bikini, Rongelap, and Utirik; and to establish the .—
in vivo counting
program. Sufficient field monitoring data will become available to assess
average radionuclide body burdens for residents of Bikini, Rongelap, and
Utirik, and to make a preliminary analysis of the inhalation pathway at these
Personnel and analytical laboratory resources are being mobilized to
provide technical program support for the “13 Atoll Survey” which is expected
during FY 1978.
At least two additional field trips are planned for FY 1978 to ccntinue
environmental surveillance programs at Utirik, Rongelap, and Bikini, and the
study of tTends in 137CS body burdens at Bikini. Field trip scheduling continues to be hampered, however,
by uncertainties over logistics support.

Expected Results in FY 1979:

At least three field trips will be made to Bikini, Rongelap, and Utiril
Atolls to conduct routine environmental suneillance and personnel monitoring
activities. In addition, two or more field trips will be.made to Enewetak to
continue baseline .—
in vivo counting and bioassay activities begun in F’Y1978,
and to initiate a new environmental suneillance program consistent with the
return of control of the atoll to the Marshallese.
Average baseline radionuclide body burdens will be established for
typical residents of uncontaminated atolls. Additional contributions to body
burdens from environmental pathways on contaminated atolls will be determined
fog individuals and populations at Bikini, Rongelap, and Utirik. Definition
of the inhalation pathway at the aforementioned atolls will be completed, and
a working predictive model will be developed which incorporates environmental
and pathway analyses with actual human uptake experience.

Expected Results in FY 1980:
Continuation of programs described in FY 1979.


(See Continuation Sheet)

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