
Suneillance of Facilities and Sites
Project Title: Marshall Islands Radiological Safety Program
16. Technical Progress in FY 1977: (Cent’d)


representative of contaminated and uncontaminated locations in the region as
part of a plutonium excretion study. Definitive measurements of external exposure rates were made at Utirik and Rongelap, and the incremental exposure
rates from Bravo fallout were determined for the village islands and several
others at these atolls.

Analyses of environmental samples collected from past surveys are nearly
completed, and reports of the results are in progress.

Expected Results in Fi 1978:

Installations of air sampling stations will be completed at Kwajalein,
Bikini, Rongelap,and Utirik; and initial results of air monitoring and intensified urine bioassay programs are expected.
Group survey support will be provided for a planned interagency sponsored
aerial radiological survey of all previously unsurveyed atolls in the northern
Marshall Islands which may have received local fallout from U.S. atmospheric
nuclear tests.

Expected Results in FY 1979:


Continuation of programs described for FY 1977 and 1978.


Description and Explanation of Major Materials, EauiDment and Subcontract
Capital Equipment, FY 1978:

Peripheral electronics ($10,000) for the Safety and Environmental Protection Division analytical laboratory is needed to process the increasing load
of environmental samples collected on field surveys.
?lalorSubcontract Items, FY 1978:
A supplemental budget request was made for 1% 1977 to initiate the air
monitoring and expanded urine bioassay program for plutonium. It will be necessay to extend the contracted peak load analyses of these samples into FY 1978
because of the lengthy set up and processing times for amounts of radioactivity
which are below conventional limits of detection. Anticipated cost is $10,000.
Capital Equipment, FY 1979:
Peripheral electronics equipment ($5,000) is needed to provide depth in
the Safety and Environmental Protection Division analytical laboratory to handle peak loads of environmental samples which must othe~ise be subcontracted
to a commercial laboratory.

(See Continuation Sheet)

Select target paragraph3