
Old graveyard ~ as is

(3) Station 6001 = two larva concrete pads shall be left
in place. Ratls extonding boyond the concrete pada shall bo out off and
diaposed of. Concrete revotments in tho Inmodlate area shall bo left


Cable trenches running between revetmentns and station 6001 shall

be doged out and disposed of,


Station 6002 ~ conerste bunker to remain.


Station 75.02 - to be saved in place.


Small bunker scutheast of main camp - remove steel


Japanese monument = as is.

shall be disposed of, all metal within shall be renoved.

Steel doors

door and cther large metal fixtures.


Stripping ~ strips, ao described under items of work for Eneu,

paragraph 1.c. above, shall be cut ina general nerthwest ~ southenst


The north boundary shall be the wooden towor near station 271

and the south boundary shall be the northern limits of the camp aroa.

A 50

foot belt of vegotation shall bo lcft in placo on the ccean clida of the
Asland. (Un lagoon sido of island romove all vegetation from boach lino

up to lagoon road.

Opoe (Aeroko3) The following facilities/atructures are to be saved:
a. amp area ~ retain all buildings and structures as is except
tent framoo, tont slabs, olovated water tanks and powerhouse building.
Tent froemen are to be knccked down and pushod into piles which will remain.
Tent slabs and water tanks will be disposed of. Remove all metal from the

wee ee

powerhouse and the adjacont large metal tank and Navy cubes (pentoong) and
dispose of game.



Aggrogato piles ecuthwest of camp area ~ as is.


Tent slabs north of runvay ~ as is.

Peter (Aerokojiol)
Save photo-bunker.

Remove all doors and netal.

ateirvay and leave noar bunkcr.
adjacent to bunker.

hNemcve wood

Remove and spread dirt cover and tera


Select target paragraph3