(14) Central docks: Save the three piers as they are.
Scrap metal. and broken concrete will be used to fi11 the dock area. Cover
with layer of dirt. Remove tho two sets of netal uprights at head of the
(15) Old tent camp areat Push all frames into piles to
make access for removal of slabs. Leavo piles.
(136) LST Dock: Concrete bulkhead to be left as is. Fill
eroded area with concrete as available and cover with layer of dirt.

Personnel piorst

Ags ia.


Borrow pits adjacent to station 70:

May be filled with

scrap metal and concrete rubble provided sufficient dirt cover to allow
growth and support of coconut treos 1s placed over the £111. Tho berms will

be leveled and pushed into the borrow pits in any event.

Agephalt parking apront

As is.


Washdown pad = break up concrete slab and dispose of same.


Stripping - to assist in the future coconut planting program,

strips, on 56' centers and approximately 15' in width, of the existing

vegetation shall he cut dow by a bulldozer. The strips shall be cut
perpondicular to the runwoy and shall oxtend from the end of the runway on

the south to the pouthernmoot odge of Camp Rlandy on the north.

A 50!

minimun strip of vegetation shall be left on the ocean side of the Island

as a salt spray belt. On the southwest corner of the island all vegetation
bounded from a line running normal to the runway from the LOT Deck and west
of the runway shall be left in place. All vegetation south of the read
running from the turning pad cn the southwest end of the runwmy to the east
end of the larre borrow pit shall bo left in place. All vezetaticn north
of the southernmost boundary of Camp Blandy shall remain in place.

2. Elkind(How)
a. The following factlities/structures are to be savodt

Camp area ~ rotain all buildings and structures as is

except tent frames, tent slabs, movie screen, baseball backston and wooden


Tent frames are to be knveecked dow and pushed into plles which will

Tent slabs will be disposed of.

Movie acreen, baseball backstop

and wooden poles are to be knocked down and left where they fall. Insofar
as poseible vegetation shall be cleared around the buildings for a distance
of approximately 20 fect.


Select target paragraph3