application of Federal guidance on radiation
protection, and (2) meet the "as low as

practicable" criterion considéring factors of

practicality and effectiveness.

These principles were followed in the Bikini
Atoll cleanup, the most appropriate precedent
for Enewetak. The Enewetak cleanup and
rehabilitation recommendations, including

the restrictions, are similar to those for

Bikini. About the same order of conservatism
was used in applying the standards.
While there are no national or international

criteria for plutonium cleanup, the staff

recommendations are consistent with a recent,

independent study performed by LASL entitled,
"A Proposed Interim Standard for Plutonium

in Soils, '' LA-5483-MS, dated January 1974.
EPA plans to develop cleanup guides for plutonium
contaminated land but these will not be available
for some time. Plutonium contamination on the
islands of Enewetak is confined principally to

well defined and relatively small areas. The
exception is the contamination on YVONNE;
about half of the 94 acres of this island is
highly contaminated. There is a wide range
of particle sizes, and the distribution in the
soilis not uniform. The recommended criteria
for cleanup of plutonium in the soil are intended
for use throughout the islands of the Atoll.

Specific recommendations for cleanup of YVONNE
are also given. Decontamination of YVONNEis

seen as an iterative process to be conducted by
a team of experts. There remains the difficult
problem of disposal of the contaminated soil
which is a responsibility of DNA. However, by

the time cleanup is started, a method for disposal

may be available. If not, then the plutonium debris
throughout the Atoll should be retained on YVONNE

and the quarantine of that island continued until
contamination is removed. Further study is needed

on possible removal of the plutonium contamination


Select target paragraph3