
When signs of thyroid abnormalities

appeared in the 1964 annual survey,

the actions taken were prompt and effective.’ Surgery was performed at the
U. S. Naval Hospital on Guam and subsequent cases were treated in the
United States.

One or more outstanding

the team each year since 1964.
of thyroid disease developed

thyroid specialists have accompanied

During the years 1964 to 1971, additional cases

in the exposed population ranging from hypothyroidism

with deficient growth to modularity

of the gland to malignant adenocarcinoma.

The majority of people affected had been under 10 years of age at the time of
exposure .

Prompt surgical treatment and/or daily thyroid hormone therapy

brought the situation under control.

The observations have been widely published

and accepted by medical authorities.

A summary of the incidence of thyroid

disease in the exposed populations

following the March 1971 survey is enclosed.

The }larsl~alleseon Utirik who received low exposures (less than 15 Roentgens)
have been visited by Dr. Conard and the teams at three to four-year intervals.
It has been reported that the Utirik people are of two minds about this schedule:
On the one hand they feel neglected,

particularly by comparison to the Rongelapese;

on the other they are happy not to be examined and have blood drawn.


Problems which Relate to the Medical Surveys

Possibly the most troublesome problem originates from a legal complaint
styled Abia et al. v. United States, Trial Division, High Court Trust Territory
of the Pacific Islands.

This was received by the High Commissioner

the request tha~ he effect service upon the United States.

in Guam with

In essence it sought

a sum of $8,500,000 for property damage, radiation sickness, burns, physical and

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