
Steps have been taken to make available

to the Trust Territory $16,000

from the AEC to provide inconvenience payment to the people of Utirik.
However, it is our understanding

that the procedure

for the disposition of

these funds has not been decided.

A Misconception

of Medical Responsibility

Dr. Conard has suggested that the Marshallese
the idea that the objectives and professional

have probably never accepted


of the Medical

Survey team are quite different from those of the Health Department
Territories .

of the Trust

The Mediccl Survey teams have the objective of evaluating the

health status of those exposed to fallout radiations and certain others who
serve as a control population.

In order to accomplish

the survey on an island

or atoll, it was found useful for reasons of good public relations to set up a
“sickcall,” i.e., outpatient clinics, for the people in general.
with the kno-t:ledgeand active cooperation

of the Health Department

This is done
of the Trust

Territories .
The physicians in the Health Department

on the other hand are responsible

for the day-to-day general medical care of about 100,000 people who live in
small groups on islands or atolls scattered over an area of the Pacific equal
to that of the United States.


the logistic problems and the dearth

of physicians willing to practice under these conditions,
performs” its duties vet-y creditably.

the Health Department

Tl~e Sul-vey Team is concerned only with

diagnosis and evaluation unless a very serious condition is found or an acute
disease is develo~]in[:. Definitive

trcatnwn~ is kept at a minimum by the Survey

Team since that is properly the responsibility
Medical Department of the Trust Territories.

of the attending physicians of the

Select target paragraph3